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Session A for families with kids turning 13 in 2026
Sunday, Feb. 2nd, 9:45-11:00 am
Session B for families with kids turning 13 in 2027
Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 6:45-8:00 pm
Meet with Cantor Green, Rabbi Erin Polansky and Sasha Kathron learn about KBI's B'nei Mitzvah Program; meet other families at a similar planning stage; hear about different prayer service options; talk about choosing a date; learn about your child(ren)'s private studies and personalized Bar/Bat Mitzvah webpage; get a sense of “who’s who” at KBI, and ask any questions.
Session C for families currently in private lessons
Tuesday, Feb 13th, 6:45-8:00 pm
Meet with Cantor Green, Rabbi Erin Polansky, Sasha Kathron, Executive Director Jeremy Rosenberg, and Honours Coordinator, Helen Zipes to get updates on the "B'nei Mitzvah Family Experience", general facilities and kiddush/catering information for your special day; learn about the honours available to your family/guests on the day; and share experiences and planning ideas with other upcoming B'nei Mitzvah families. PARTICIPATION IS A PART OF OUR CORE REQUIREMENTS